What is a Frenulectomy?
The frenulum occurs in two places in the mouth. The labial frenulum is a tiny piece of skin that attaches the bottom lip to the gums outside the bottom teeth. The maxillary frenulum connects the inside of the upper lip to the top gums of the mouth.
A labial frenulectomy cuts the frenulum when it is attached too far towards the tip of the tongue. If your baby is diagnosed as being tongue-tied, or lip tied, they may need a frenulectomy. Babies with a tied tongue have a hard time nursing or bottle feeding. Without the procedure, these babies may also have trouble speaking and chewing as they grow older.
The Procedure
Dr. Cohen uses a minimally invasive, state-of-the-art laser to precisely remove the correct amount of tissue from the frenulum. Using this laser remains a crucial part of the procedure since the laser reduces the size of the frenulum without causing damage to surrounding skin in the mouth. Babies can start feeding nearly immediately after the process is completed.
When a frenulectomy is performed on an older child, Dr. Cohen uses a mild anesthetic to numb the area. Then he uses the laser to separate the frenulum from the lip. The procedure only takes from 15 to 30 minutes to perform. This laser surgery shapes the skin while it removes it, and seals tiny blood vessels as the process occurs. This technique minimizes bleeding and helps the child’s mouth heal quickly.